
The base of GreenLight is supposed to contain only general utilities that fit every situation. This ensures that the library will have a small footprint on your web page.

If you are in need of a more specific solution for your problem you can fetch the internet for a plugin or create it yourself.

They are made for ease of use - to include a plugin you only need to import the script in your page.

Everything you need to get going with the development of a plugin is included in the GitHub repository - from dev docs, to examples and real world codebases of plugins.

Getting started

All you have to do is use the registerPlugin method provided by the GreenLight object before the init phase.

GreenLight.registerPlugin(pluginName, (PluginObject) => {
  const { directive } = PluginObject;
  // With the code below we register the gl-log directive
  directive.register("log", (el, Controller) => {

API info


variable: DataType Description
pluginName: String Name of the plugin
name: String The name of the plugin specified.
getScopedPropertyFromElement(element: HTMLElement, property: String) Get object from directive attribute, local store and global store based on the scope.
generateControllerEventName(controllerName: String, eventName: String) Generates controller event name with the GreenLight format. If you are using the Controller callEvent it is called automatically, you only need to provide the eventName.
removeGLElement(el: HTMLElement, controllerName: String) Remove and do cleanup on
directive Object with all the necessary methods to work with directives.
namings Object with important namings - GL_STORE_UPDATED_EVENT


variable: DataType Description
register(name: String, callback(el: HTMLElement, Controller: GLController)) Register a new directive.
getAttribute(directiveName: String, el: HTMLElement) Get the directive attribute.
getData(el: HTMLElement) get the data object set by directives.
setData(el: HTMLElement, data: any) set the data object


variable: DataType Description
name: String Name of the controller
attachedTo: HTMLElement The element that contains the gl-controller directive
$store The store object assigned to the controller
$refs The references object attached to the controller
effect(callback: Function, depsArray: String[]) The effect method
on(eventName: String, callback: Function) Used to listen to events from the controller
callEvent(eventName: String, data: any) Used to call events on the Controller and it's children.

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